Remember these?
This weekend I helped my daughters who are 8 and 12 clean and organize their bedroom. You would not believe how bad it was! Piled into every nook and cranny were random craft supplies, bobby pins and dirty socks, old homework, books, candy wrappers, and a myriad of other random things. After several hours and boxes filled with stuff to give to the D.I., the room was not only beautifully clean and orderly, but we emerged with some wonderful little treasures.
Since a focus of girls camp is to give notes of love, thanks, and encouragement I thought I would share a couple of examples from my girls and their friends to show how simple these notes can be.
Sister Lee
Since a focus of girls camp is to give notes of love, thanks, and encouragement I thought I would share a couple of examples from my girls and their friends to show how simple these notes can be.
Aren't kids the best?
I recently listened to a talk given by Elder Russell T. Osguthorpe on building others. I highly recommend you listen to it:
In it he says: "One of the most basic of all human needs is to be loved. And one of the easiest ways to show that you care for someone is to thank them. Messages of thanks are easy to send--an easy way to build up the soul."
A simple text, email, or handwritten note can encourage or make someone's day. So go write a note. Type. Text. Whatever. Do it now.
It will brighten someone's day for sure!
Sister Lee