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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Note of Love

Remember these?

This weekend I helped my daughters who are 8 and 12 clean and organize their bedroom. You would not believe how bad it was! Piled into every nook and cranny were random craft supplies, bobby pins and dirty socks, old homework, books, candy wrappers, and a myriad of other random things. After several hours and boxes filled with stuff to give to the D.I., the room was not only beautifully clean and orderly, but we emerged with some wonderful little treasures.

Since a focus of girls camp is to give notes of love, thanks, and encouragement I thought I would share a couple of examples from my girls and their friends to show how simple these notes can be.

Aren't kids the best? 

I recently listened to a talk given by Elder Russell T. Osguthorpe on building others. I highly recommend you listen to it:

In it he says: "One of the most basic of all human needs is to be loved. And one of the easiest ways to show that you care for someone is to thank them. Messages of thanks are easy to send--an easy way to build up the soul."

A simple text, email, or handwritten note can encourage or make someone's day. So go write a note. Type. Text. Whatever. Do it now.

It will brighten someone's day for sure!

Sister Lee

Saturday, April 19, 2014

His Hands

His Hands. 
Gentle, loving, compassionate.
Healing, helping, forgiving.

His Hands
Tied. And Pierced.
For me.  
And for you.

His Hands.
Lifting. Reaching. Redeeming.

A Gift.
Given Freely
For me.
And for you. 

How will we repay that gift?
Our Hands.
Loving. Serving. Helping
Smiling, Hugging, Praying.

Isn't it a small price to pay
for the gift He has given us?

Happy Easter to all of you!
Love, Sis. Norris

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Are you on the Lord's errand?

"The sweetest experience I know in life is to feel a prompting and act upon it and later find out that it was the fulfillment of someone's prayer or someone's need. And I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him."
President Monson

Have you followed His promptings?
Does the Lord know He can count on you?
Have you felt the sweet joy of being on the Lord's errand?

We will not always know the impact we can have when we serve. Several years ago, I followed a prompting to help a sister in our ward and did an anonymous act of service for her family. I didn't realize, until several years later, how significant this act of service was for her. Just recently, in a Relief Society Meeting, she shared how, at the time of this service, she had been struggling to feel the Lord's love for her, and when she received this service, she knew the Lord was aware of her and her needs. I know we can be the Lord's hands. He needs us to run His errands. Can He count on you?

Love, Sister Linnell

Friday, April 4, 2014

How will you use your hands today?

Hands are amazing. Each day, we can accomplish so many good things with our hands. We work with our hands. We play with our hands. We use our hands to text, type, and write. We wave our hands to say goodbye and hello or get someone’s attention. Our hands can be used to give direction, offer guidance, or show the way. When another has fallen, we reach down and lift them up by the hand. We hold another’s hand to offer comfort, show affection, or give encouragement.  We clap our hands to show appreciation for a performance. In so many ways, we use our hands to say “I love you.” A playful pat on a toddler’s head, a caress on a baby’s cheek, or a comforting rub on the shoulder of one carrying a difficult burden all tell someone they are loved by a simple touch of the hand.

How have you used your hands today?

Have you clasped your hands together in prayer today and sought His love, guidance, and direction? As we pray, He will help us to use our hands for good. He will prompt us to know who and how to help. Our hands can become His hands.

How will you use your hands today?